# Label Settings

Label Settings
Label Settings

# Font

# Typeface

Marker Data allows you to select different fonts for the label appearance.

Select your desired Typeface.

  • Arial
  • Courier New
  • Helvetica
  • Menlo Default
  • Source Code Pro

# Style

You have the option to choose your favoured Style when determining the Typeface for your selection.

Select your desired Style.

  • Regular Default
  • Italic
  • Bold

# Size

Size is set to 30 by Default .

# Color & Opacity

One may activate the colour pop-over by clicking on the Color Well, or alternatively, access macOS's colour picker button for more extensive customisation of the Typeface colour. The Default colour is set to White.

Utilise the slider to establish the desired opacity value, with the Default opacity pre-set to 100.

# Stroke

# Size

By Default , the Size is configured to Auto. To augment the dimensions, modify the value to 1 or a higher numerical input.

# Color

One may activate the colour pop-over by clicking on the Color Well, or alternatively, access macOS's colour picker button for more extensive customisation of the Stroke colour. The Default colour is set to Black.

# Alignment

# Horizontal

You can specify your preferred Horizontal Alignment for the Label. By Default , the Horizontal Alignment is configured to Left.

Horizontal set to Left, Vertical set to Top
Horizontal set to Left, Vertical set to Top

# Vertical

You can specify your preferred Vertical Alignment for the Label. By Default , the Vertical Alignment is configured to Top.

Horizontal set to Right, Vertical set to Bottom
Horizontal set to Right, Vertical set to Bottom

# Overlays

# Search Overlays

You can utilise the Search function to find your desired Overlays.

# Available & Selected Overlays

In the section labeled Available Overlays, select the desired Overlays by clicking on them to designate them as Selected Overlays. The sequence in which the Overlays are chosen dictates the order in which they will be employed for burn-in purposes. To reset the Selected Overlays section, click the Trash icon.

# Copyright

In the Copyright field, you has the option to input personalised text, such as your name or the name of your production company. The Copyright field will be disabled when it is empty.

Notes, Clip Type, Clip Name and Copyright enabled
Notes, Clip Type, Clip Name and Copyright enabled

# Hide Overlay Names

Enable the checkbox in order to omit Overlay Names from the burn-in process on images.

Hide Overlay Names enabled
Hide Overlay Names enabled